Friday, November 04, 2005

The Power of Two's

Body: Two Names You Go By
Sel and Shorty
Two Parts of Your Heritage
Filipino & Spanish

Two Things That Scare You
Life & Death
Two Everyday Essentials
clothes & consciousness
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
clothes & Makeup
Two of Your Favourite Bands or Musical Artists
Greenday & Linkin Park
Two Things You Want in a Relationship
Freedom & Truth (Props to Jon)
Two Truths
Change is the only constant in life.
All bodies with mass exert gravity. (Props to Jon)
Two things You Hate
having to put up with peoples' stupid shit
Close minded People
Two things that appeal to you in the opposite sex
personality & looks
Two of Your Favourite Hobbies
Working out & Shopping
Two Things You Want Really Badly
for the world to wake up and stop being stupid
and progress to have a perfect mind/body/soul
Two Places You want to go on Vacation
Philippines & Guam to visit family
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
Make sure my kids will be taken care of and happy.
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
Stereotypes? and Stereotypes?
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admithaha & haha

Talk about Psycho Bitch

Okay, So this morning I was listening to the Radio like I always do when I get ready for the day. Today's topic was about this woman named Susan something or other. I can't remember the last name, but anyways she is being charged for assault for what she did to her boyfriend at the time while he was asleep.

I guess she found out that he was cheating on her and she wanted to teach him a lesson.

I can't believe this guy slept through the whole thing!!!

While he was asleep she decided to shave his head bald to pour red and blue nail polish on his head. Then she undressed him to where he was fully naked and then super glued his butt cheaks together. Wait!!! And to top it off she super glued his testicles and his penis together and dragged his ass outside and left him there!!!
When he finally woke up in the morning, probably in pain. He had to hop outside fully naked and super glued and all to a payphone and dial 911.

Can you believe that???!!! He must of really pissed her off to do that. I couldn't stop laughing. I know it's not "that" funny, but come on...Seriously how can you not laugh at that. I feel bad for the guy, but I don't know what to say about what she did??? all I have and Wow!

So if you guys run into a woman named Susan...Watch Out!!! Don't piss her off.